Make sure your members don’t miss important updates, emergencies or upcoming events with push notifications. You can also target your notifications so only members in a particular group receive them.
Organize your app users into groups of your choosing. You can then use these groups to control access to your app or send targeted push notifications.
You can set multiple levels of access to your app with user groups.
Don’t let members miss important events like meetings, elections, or retirement celebrations. Add events using the app’s content management system or link to existing online calendars.
Share important news on your app with a blog. You can enter articles directly into the app or use RSS feeds to existing blogs.
Link to your labor contract, bylaws, personnel rules or other important documents.
Collect information from your app users with custom made forms you design.
Keep track of your app’s downloads, page views and launches by viewing the statistics on your control panel.
Let your members add content to your app with the user submission feature. Use this feature to allow users to submit articles to your blog or create a classified ads section.